Choong Moo was the given name of the great Admiral Yi Sun-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship (kobukson), which was the precursor to the present day submarine. This pattern ends with a left hand attack to symbolize his regrettable death. The patterns has 30 movements.
New Techniques
Flying Side Piercing Kick
Reverse Knife Hand Strike
Inward Middle Block
Side Checking Block w/X-Knife Hand
Additional Information
A flying side piercing kick has exactly the same principles as those of a side piercing kick except for the flying motion. The following applies: 1. the instant the attacking leg straightens out the supporting leg should be tucked sharply while bending the ankle backward and 2. bring the knee of the attacking leg to the chest immediately after contact to prepare a correct and balanced landing.
For a reverse knife hand strike bring the opposite hand under the elbow joint at the moment of impact and be sure to attack the target from the side front so that the reverse knife-hand stays at the center of the attacker's own body.
For an inward middle block the blocking tool reaches the target from an outward to inward trajectory to the chest line and stays at the center of the defender's body.
A checking block with X-knife hand is used chiefly to block a reverse turning kick or turning kick, and in rare cases a hand technique against the solar plexus and points above. The left forearm is placed inside the right forearm with a left L-stance (as in this pattern), and vice versa. The crossed point should be slightly higher than the elbows at the moment of the block. The X-knife hand is used when a grabbing motion follows the block.
Diagram and Movements
Begin: Parallel Ready Stance
1. Move the left foot to A, forming a right L-stance toward A while executing a twin knife-hand block.
2. Move the right foot to A, forming a right walking stance toward A while executing a high front strike to A with the right knife-hand and bring the left backhand in front of the forehead.
3. Turning 180 degree clockwise, move the right foot to B, forming a left L-stance toward B while executing a middle guarding block with the knife-hand.
4. Move the left foot to B, forming a left walking stance toward B while executing a high thrust to B with the left flat fingertip.
5. Move the left foot to the Front, forming a right L-stance toward the Front while executing a middle guarding block with the knife-hand.
6. Turn the face to the Back and form a left bending ready stance A toward the Back.
7. Execute a middle side piercing kick to the Back with the right foot.
8. Lower the right foot to the Back, forming a right L-stance toward the Front while executing a middle guarding block to the Front with the knife-hand.
9. Execute a flying side piercing kick to the Front with the right foot soon after moving it to the Front. Then land to the Front, forming a left L-stance toward the Front while executing a middle guarding block to the Front with the knife-hand.
10. Turning 270 degrees counter-clockwise, move the left foot to D to form a right L-stance toward D while executing a low block to D with the left forearm.
11. Extend both hands upward as if to grab the opponent's head while shifting the left foot to form a left walking stance toward D.
12. Execute an upward kick to D with the right knee while pulling both hands downward.
13. Lower the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a high front strike to C with a right reverse knife-hand and bringing the left back hand under the right elbow joint.
14. Execute a high turning kick 45 degrees short of C with the right foot and then lower it to C.
15. Execute a middle back piercing kick to C with the left foot. Perform 14 and 15 in a fast motion.
16. Lower the left foot to C, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block with the forearm toward D.
17. Execute a middle turning kick 45 degrees short of D with the left foot.
18. Lower the left foot to the right foot. Then move the right foot to the Back, forming a fixed stance toward the Back while executing a U-shape block.
19. Jump and turn around counter-clockwise 360 degrees, landing on the same spot to form a left L-stance toward the Back while executing a middle guarding block to the Back with the knife-hand.
20. Move the left foot to the Back, forming a left walking stance toward the Back while executing a low thrust to the Back with the right upset fingertips.
21. Execute a side back strike to the Front with a right back fist and a low block to the Back with the left forearm while pulling the left foot to form a right L-stance toward the Back.
22. Move the right foot to the Back, forming a right walking stance toward the Back while executing a middle thrust to the Back with the right straight fingertips.
23. Turning 270 degrees counter-clockwise, move the left foot the A, forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a high block to A with a left double forearm.
24. Move the right foot to A, forming a sitting stance facing the Back while executing a middle inward block with the right outer forearm followed by a high side strike to A with the right back fist.
25. Turning counter-clockwise, execute a middle side piercing kick to B with the right foot and then lower it to B.
26. Turning clockwise, execute a middle side piercing kick to B with the left foot.
27. Lower the left foot toward B. Then form a left L-stance toward A while executing a side checking block toward A with an X-knife hand.
28. Move the left foot to A, forming a left walking stance toward A while executing an upward block to A with the twin palm.
29. Move the left foot on line AC. Then form a right walking stance toward B while executing a rising block with the right forearm toward B.
30. Execute a middle punch to B with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward B.
End: Bring the left foot back to Parallel Ready Stance.
Choong Moo was the given name of the great Admiral Yi Sun-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship (kobukson), which was the precursor to the present day submarine. This pattern ends with a left hand attack to symbolize his regrettable death. The patterns has 30 movements.
New Techniques
Flying Side Piercing Kick
Reverse Knife Hand Strike
Inward Middle Block
Side Checking Block w/X-Knife Hand
Additional Information
A flying side piercing kick has exactly the same principles as those of a side piercing kick except for the flying motion. The following applies: 1. the instant the attacking leg straightens out the supporting leg should be tucked sharply while bending the ankle backward and 2. bring the knee of the attacking leg to the chest immediately after contact to prepare a correct and balanced landing.
For a reverse knife hand strike bring the opposite hand under the elbow joint at the moment of impact and be sure to attack the target from the side front so that the reverse knife-hand stays at the center of the attacker's own body.
For an inward middle block the blocking tool reaches the target from an outward to inward trajectory to the chest line and stays at the center of the defender's body.
A checking block with X-knife hand is used chiefly to block a reverse turning kick or turning kick, and in rare cases a hand technique against the solar plexus and points above. The left forearm is placed inside the right forearm with a left L-stance (as in this pattern), and vice versa. The crossed point should be slightly higher than the elbows at the moment of the block. The X-knife hand is used when a grabbing motion follows the block.
Diagram and Movements
Begin: Parallel Ready Stance
1. Move the left foot to A, forming a right L-stance toward A while executing a twin knife-hand block.
2. Move the right foot to A, forming a right walking stance toward A while executing a high front strike to A with the right knife-hand and bring the left backhand in front of the forehead.
3. Turning 180 degree clockwise, move the right foot to B, forming a left L-stance toward B while executing a middle guarding block with the knife-hand.
4. Move the left foot to B, forming a left walking stance toward B while executing a high thrust to B with the left flat fingertip.
5. Move the left foot to the Front, forming a right L-stance toward the Front while executing a middle guarding block with the knife-hand.
6. Turn the face to the Back and form a left bending ready stance A toward the Back.
7. Execute a middle side piercing kick to the Back with the right foot.
8. Lower the right foot to the Back, forming a right L-stance toward the Front while executing a middle guarding block to the Front with the knife-hand.
9. Execute a flying side piercing kick to the Front with the right foot soon after moving it to the Front. Then land to the Front, forming a left L-stance toward the Front while executing a middle guarding block to the Front with the knife-hand.
10. Turning 270 degrees counter-clockwise, move the left foot to D to form a right L-stance toward D while executing a low block to D with the left forearm.
11. Extend both hands upward as if to grab the opponent's head while shifting the left foot to form a left walking stance toward D.
12. Execute an upward kick to D with the right knee while pulling both hands downward.
13. Lower the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a high front strike to C with a right reverse knife-hand and bringing the left back hand under the right elbow joint.
14. Execute a high turning kick 45 degrees short of C with the right foot and then lower it to C.
15. Execute a middle back piercing kick to C with the left foot. Perform 14 and 15 in a fast motion.
16. Lower the left foot to C, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block with the forearm toward D.
17. Execute a middle turning kick 45 degrees short of D with the left foot.
18. Lower the left foot to the right foot. Then move the right foot to the Back, forming a fixed stance toward the Back while executing a U-shape block.
19. Jump and turn around counter-clockwise 360 degrees, landing on the same spot to form a left L-stance toward the Back while executing a middle guarding block to the Back with the knife-hand.
20. Move the left foot to the Back, forming a left walking stance toward the Back while executing a low thrust to the Back with the right upset fingertips.
21. Execute a side back strike to the Front with a right back fist and a low block to the Back with the left forearm while pulling the left foot to form a right L-stance toward the Back.
22. Move the right foot to the Back, forming a right walking stance toward the Back while executing a middle thrust to the Back with the right straight fingertips.
23. Turning 270 degrees counter-clockwise, move the left foot the A, forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a high block to A with a left double forearm.
24. Move the right foot to A, forming a sitting stance facing the Back while executing a middle inward block with the right outer forearm followed by a high side strike to A with the right back fist.
25. Turning counter-clockwise, execute a middle side piercing kick to B with the right foot and then lower it to B.
26. Turning clockwise, execute a middle side piercing kick to B with the left foot.
27. Lower the left foot toward B. Then form a left L-stance toward A while executing a side checking block toward A with an X-knife hand.
28. Move the left foot to A, forming a left walking stance toward A while executing an upward block to A with the twin palm.
29. Move the left foot on line AC. Then form a right walking stance toward B while executing a rising block with the right forearm toward B.
30. Execute a middle punch to B with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward B.
End: Bring the left foot back to Parallel Ready Stance.